GraphEnt/TD>Graphical Maximum Entropy modeller
gperiodic Periodic table browser
gramm GRAMM is a program for protein docking
IMC Iterative Mobile ClusteringMultiple-Site Ligand Binding to Flexible Macromolecules
JChemPaint JChemPaint is a Java 2 program for drawing 2D chemical structures
jana2000 Chrystallographic computing system
kuplot General purpose plotter
laue XLaue diagrams
LOOPP Learning, Observing and Outputting Protein PattLearning, Observing and Outputting Protein Patterns
maxwell multipole expansion for condensed phases
mmc Monte Carlo program
MEAD Macroscopic Electrostatics with Atomic Detail
MOIL The MOIL modeling package simulates
structure, dynamics, and function of
biological molecules at the atomic level of
moldy Molecular dynamics simulations
MOPAC7 Semi-empirical molecular orbital package
moscito Molecular dynamics package
MPQC Massively parallel quantum chemistry toolkit
MMTK Molecular modelling toolkit (Python)
modelfree A program for optimizing "Lipari-Szabo model free" parameters to heteronuclear relaxation data
MosView Viewer for moscito simulations
NAB Nucleic Acid Builder
nmrview Visualization and analysis of NMR datasets.
ORAC A molecular dynamics program to simulate solvated biomolecules
ORTEP Oak Ridge Thermal Ellipsoid Plot Program for Crystal Structure Illustrations
PASTA PASTA Toolkit, Protein ASsignment by Threshold Accepting
pdffit Full profile structural least square
refinement of the atomic pair distribution function
pepinsky Pepinsky's Machine : an interactive, graphics-based Fourier synthesis program with applications in teaching ah applications in teaching and research
ppovit POV-Ray molecular raytracing
PyMol Molucular Visualization toolkit
Qs Queen of Spades. a n-dimensional, space-group general, molecular (re)placement program
RasMol Molecular graphics Visualization tool
Raster3D 3D Molecular graphics rendering tool
Scientific Python
A collection of Python modules that are useful for scientific computing
Simpson Solid-state NMR simulation program.
SIMREF Simultaneous Rietveld Refinement with Multiple Powder Data Sets
Situs A package for the docking of atomic resolution structures to low-resolution density maps
SPDBV Swiss PDB viewer
SSIA SSIA is a program for predi/A>)
SSIA SSIA is a program for predicting the magnitude and orientation of a sterically induced alignment tensor from a solute's three-dimensional shape
steric A Program to Calculate the Steric Size of Molecules about a Point in terms of their Cone Angles and
Solid Angles, as well as their total Volumes and Projected Areas
vaspview Scientific visualization package for examining output files generated by the Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package
tessel2 A 3D "compiler" to produce crystal and molecular models,
c parametric surfaces and several forms of sphere tesselations.
vievmol Viewmol is an open source graphical front end for computational chemistry programs
vis5d 3D viewer
XCombust Elemental analysis
WMOVIEC WMOVIEC is a program that creates movies of atomic motion.
XITE X-based Image Processing Tools and Environment
XMolCalc Molecular weight calculator
Xmakemol A program for viewing and manipulating atomic/molecular systems
xnmr Processing and simulation
of exchange broadened NMR spectra
xtal Xtal3.7 System of Crystallographic Programs