ASICS - Analysis of single crystal spectra
Ballroom - A Molecular animation viewer
xbs - ball-and-sticks plotting program
chemtool - Molecular drawing program
Chooch - Calculation of Anomalous scattering factors from X-ray fluorescence data
dacapo - Ab initio molecular dynamics code, based on ultra-soft pseudopotentials.
Dino - Visualizing Structural Biology
dnd - Molecular Visualization
DRAWxtl - Program to read crystallographic information such as unit cell, space roup, atom positions, and thermal ellipsoid parameters to generate POLYHEDRON, PHERE, ELLIPSOID and BOND geometry POV and VRML scenes.
dx - Data visualization package
Qs - an n-dimensional, space-group general, molecular replacement program
Raster3D - 3D Molecular graphics rendering tool
Situs - A package for the docking of atomic resolution structures to low-resolution density maps
vaspview - Scientific visualization package for examining output files generated by the Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package
vis5d - 3D viewer
XCombust - Elemental analysis
Xmakemol - A program for viewing and manipulating atomic/molecular systems
XMolCalc - Molecular weight calculator