
Automatic Stellar Coordinate fitting

Version : 1.2
Author(s) : Peter Siegbjørn Jørgensen ( , Andrew Pickles (
License : GPL
Website :

Installs from Open Source Astronomy for Linux cd 3
Disk space required for installation is 491.00 Kb

After the package is installed it can be accessed using the command





ascfit (Automatic Stellar Coordinate fitting) comprises a GNU bash script "ascfit" which calls a collection of C programs, all of which can be run individually. adds WCS coordinates to single or multiple files depending on whether is complete, or the root of multiple files. Type "ascfit" with no arguments for usage and list of options.

The core program "starfit" matches stars (triangle fitting) between two lists: "" is generated by "s_extractor" searching the FITS image, and "" is generated by "crect" searching the USNO-A2 catalog, or by "msqbin" searching a compressed version of the 2MASS catalog. Most computational time is spent in sextractor; starfit should work with image catalogs produced by other means if given in the right format.

EXAMPLES --------

Usage: ascfit fitsfile [-sw value]

eg: ascfit ccd.030 - will fit one file

eg: ascfit ccd.03 - will expand list & fit ccd.030-039

eg: ascfit ccd.0 - will expand list & fit ccd.000-099

Example: ascfit ccd.030 ccd.030:15h08:00.30+0.227X-0.0011Y -14d49:28.5-0.220Y- 0.0007X: 67/96/92*,0.40"RMS

file:RA as f(X/Y) DEC as f(X/Y): Stars fitted/ found in image/catalog, RMS error (arcsec)

ascfit himg.fits -ir -scale 0.3 (specify scale for infrared image) himg.fits:03h46:49.45-0.303X-0.0037Y +23d46:44.5+0.277Y-0.0029X: 9/10/22*,0.12"RMS

ascfit aten.230 -roff 140 -doff 140 - fit 8 images from UH8K

(pointing center is offset from mosaiic center)