Aprogram that simulates astronomical images.
Version : 2.3.4
Author(s) : Emmanuel Bertin (bertin@iap.fr)
License : GPL
Website : http://terapix.iap.fr/sextractor/
Installs from Open Source Astronomy for Linux cd 3
Disk space required for installation is 311.00 Kb
After the package is installed it can be accessed using the command
A shortcut will be installed in the KDE/GNOME desktop menu system,
as an entry in the Astronomy submenu
sky [
- A list file is an ASCII file containing a list of objects that can be added to the simulated image. An example is provided in the sample.list file. Note that only stars (code = 100) and galaxies (code = 200) are recognized in this version.
- Keyword parameters given in the command line override those from the
configuration file.
- If the list-file is given as unique argument, Skymaker searches for a
default configuration file called ``default.sky''.
- SkyMaker creates 2 files in output: the image itself, and a catalog containing the objects it contains (with name toto.list if IMAGE_NAME was set to toto.fits).
- Currently, the following TYPEs can be used with the IMAGE_TYPE keyword:
keywords should be used for creating actual instrument images.
- A FITS header (any FITS image, or even an ASCII dump) can be provided through
the IMAGE_HEADER keyword: simply replace "INTERNAL" by the file name. SkyMaker2
will then make a copy of this header for the simulated image, enabling the
latter to be easily processed through your usual reduction tools.
- Thanks to Pascal Fouque, parameters describing common optical
aberrations (including defocus, spheric, astigmatism and coma) have been
included in the description of the pupil phase-plane. Their normalisation
follow the ESO convention (equivalent angular diameter of a circle, in the focal
plane, which encloses 80% of the PSF flux; this is generally slightly more
than the FWHM). However the user is invited to check this normalisation, and
report any unexpected result.
- Please look at the denisI.sky, denisJ.sky and denisK.sky configuration examples
for more information.
- If a SEED_* parameter is set to 0, the corresponding random generator is
initialized to a ``random'' (function of time) value.
- Beware of large AUREOLE_RADIUS values: during the calculation of the image,
a temporary border of