
3D star chart

Version : 0.92.3
Author(s) : Kevin B. McCarty (
License : GPL
Website :

Installs from Open Source Astronomy for Linux cd 1
Disk space required for installation is 3.95 Mb

After the package is installed it can be accessed using the command



A shortcut will be installed in the KDE/GNOME desktop menu system,
as an entry in the Astronomy submenu



StarPlot is a GTK+ based program, written in C++, which can be used interactively to view three-dimensional perspective charts of stars. DATA FILES

StarPlot comes with only two small example data files. This (a) makes it easier to download, and (b) reduces the need to worry about copyright issues within the program source tree. Other data files can be downloaded and installed from the StarPlot web page. Please read the copyright information in the COPYING and README files of those data sets - note that they can be freely distributed only if *not* modified.