
Source Extractor, locates astronomical objects in images

Version : 2.3.2
Author(s) : Emmanuel Bertin (
License : GPL
Website :

Installs from Open Source Astronomy for Mac OS X cd 3
Disk space required for installation is 11.35 Mb

After the package is installed it can be accessed using the command



A shortcut will be installed in the KDE/GNOME desktop menu system,
as an entry in the Astronomy submenu

The following printable documents will be installed :


SExtractor (Source-Extractor) is a program that builds a catalogue of objects from an astronomical image. It is particularly oriented towards reduction of large scale galaxy-survey data, but it also performs well on moderately crowded star fields. Its main features are:

Simplicity of usage and configuration. ffl Speed: typically 500 kpixel/s with a Pentium2@450MHz. Ability to work with very large images (up to 65k pixels on 32bit machines, or 2G pixels on 64bit machines), thanks to buffered image access. Robust deblending of overlapping extended objects. Real-time filtering of images to improve detectability. Neural-Network-based star/galaxy classifier. Flexible catalogue output of desired parameters only. Pixel-to-pixel photometry in dual-image mode. Handling of weight-maps and flag-maps. Optimum handling of images with variable S/N. Special mode for photographic scans. Modularity of the code that enables one to implement new parameters.